About Barefoot and Boots


Welcome to Barefoot and Boots! Those gorgeous people you see above are some models from one of those picture frames you get at Target.

I kid. That’s me (Lauren) and my little family- J (the husband), E (the kid/ruler of all), and P (the dog/the other ruler of all).

This little gem of a blog that you have come across is my life- not like “cheerleading is my LIFFFEEEEE” type of thing, but more like its about my life as a military wife and a mom, with a few sprinkles of current events, recipes, and meal planning.

Don’t worry, I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat thinking, “HER LIFE MUST BE AMAZING AND SO DIFFERENT THAN MINE!” Well, that’s partially true. I am pretty cool and I do know Kim Kardashian (ok, I met her once. Ok, FINE, I saw her on a plane and I didn’t know who she was for the first 15 minutes because she wasn’t that famous yet. Same thing).

In all seriousness, my life isn’t totally crazy or exciting or anything special- to you. But I love to write so here I am.

So, this blog is about my life and my family. I talk about motherhood (poop, spit up, baby milestones, more poop), life (see motherhood), cooking, friends, family, and other awesome (or painfully difficult) things. Hopefully you can relate to it whether you are a military wife, a civilian wife, a mother, a father, or just some guy sitting behind his computer with a bag of Cheetos and a beer.

It is my hope that you will find my blog honest, entertaining, helpful and *perhaps* funny. Feel free to email me with any questions at barefootandboots at gmail dot com or leave a comment on any posts.

Semper Fi!

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