August: Week 2

This past week we went to a neighbor’s house for dinner and I was asked to bring a dessert. YES, my favorite part of every meal (wait, you’re not supposed to have dessert after breakfast? Oh *sips chocolate smoothie*).  Off to Pinterest I went to find something that no doubt everyone would like. Chocolate of course- none of these “fruit” desserts. That’s like having fake boobs in a small bikini top.

Anywho, I found this recipe for chocolate lasagna. That’s right, layers of chocolate. Perfect-o.


It was pretty easy to make, and it didn’t take long but I do have one suggestion- I would leave it in the freezer until you’re ready to serve (minimum of one hour). Putting it in the fridge doesn’t let it harder enough so it turns out to be soup-y when you serve it. When you are ready to serve, let it sit out for maybe 15 minutes and then cut it up into pieces. Remember: lots of little pieces = less calories. Duh.

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Oreo layer. Need I say more.


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Oreo layer topped with Cool Whip/cream cheese mixture.

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Here’s the tricky part- underneath the white is a layer of chocolate pudding. I’d suggest putting the dessert into the freezer for about 20 minutes to let the pudding harden, otherwise you get a swirly mix like above.

While that is hardening, let the Cool Whip sit out and soften because otherwise its really hard to spread evenly. 

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Ta-Da! FInished product ready to eat!

Let me know if you try this and you like it!


If this is the first time you are using my meal plan read the notes below. If you have questions, feel free to comment or email me at barefootandboots at gmail dot com. If you’ve been here before, you know what to do.


  • I linked the recipes I found online. Most are on my Pinterest page, so click the button to the right to follow me. If you have questions about any of the recipes, feel free to email me at barefootandboots at gmail dot com.
  • I use a Word document to do my grocery list each week. If you want a copy to use, go to the Meal Plan page and download it!
  • Feel free to leave any of your meal ideas or yummy recipes you’ve found in the comments section. Its like high-school, we all just want to copy someone else!

 Menu/Meal Plan

Thursday- Spicy “drunken” noodles with garlic bread

Friday- Oven baked meatball sandwiches with corn on the cob

Saturday- Dinner at neighbors- bringing “Chocolate Lasagna” to share!- See recipe and photos above!

Sunday- Tuscan garlic chicken with cheesy garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli

Monday- Caparese chicken with pasta and side salad (leftover veggies for E)- I got some fresh basil at a local (well, kind of local…) farmer’s market so I was excited to use it! This is super easy to make so email me if you need the recipe. 

Tuesday- Grilled marinated chicken with corn salad and roasted potatoes

Wednesday- Mongolian beef with rice and peas

Thursday- Carobonara with garlic bread

**If you would like a copy of my grocery list template, visit my Meal Plan page!**

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